About me

Welcome to The F1 Nerd. I am Digvijay Mahamuni and I am an F1 enthusiast, Just like you!. It's been quite a few years since I am watching F1. After gathering tons of information on Formula One inside-out; it felt wrong just to keep the information, stories, and knowledge just for myself. With the increasing popularity of F1 and many people wanting to get started with the beautiful sport, I started this blog. The sole purpose of this blog is to educate people regarding F1 and convey interesting stories and knowledge about F1. The posts of this blog have been written in such a way that it not only explains the core idea of the post but also open different topics for the readers to dig into. In short, you read one post and you learn multiple things. The blog has also been categorised with different labels like tier lists, posts for beginners to get started, current hot topics and news, interesting stories of the sport, topics of discussion and opinions, race reviews and many more. You can mess around the blog, read the posts you like, and write down your opinions in the comments. I'll be more than happy to know your thoughts! See you in the blog posts!!!

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